
汪达林:世界大同——建党号召书 Wang Dalin: World Datong - Building a Party Call

      我认为要推翻中共独裁统治,不仅要通过不同的途径把全中国人民都号召团结起来,最终还需要号召人民通过直接公开的形式进行斗争另外真理也必须经常反复的宣传。爱国文化衫运动就是以每年6月为爱国文化衫运动月, 以北京天安门广场为运动中心的一项爱国运动。详情见我《发起爱国文化衫运动——倡议书》。
                                                                    汪达林(电子信箱:mmabchab@gmail.com )
       The following article uses the network software to translate the above is the original text.

Wang Dalin: World Datong - Building a Party Call
         Everything in heaven and earth is a unified whole, following the laws of common law, the natural world, and the human society. Everything, every country, every nation must learn to apply, and every nation, every nation must learn to apply. Everything, every country, every nation should be opposed. In this way, human beings can unify their thoughts, understand each other, learn from each other, help each other, avoid internal friction and develop rapidly. This is my big brother thought.
      However, in reality, the CCP, in the personal interests of its own minority, is under the banner of communism, and it is indeed the feudal dictatorship. The dictator Jiang Zemin actually controls the power of the state. He does control the walking dogs of Hu Jintao, Wen Jiabao, Xi Jinping, and Li Keqiang to perform tricks on the front desk. The feudal dictatorship is responsible for the country and the country. It provides ballistic missile technology and nuclear weapons technology to North Korea. A country like the CCP that opposes democracy and anti-human civilization makes it difficult for the entire human race to advance in internal struggle.
         To eliminate this evil force, I think the best way is to unite the entire Chinese people, to overthrow the CCP’s dictatorship and establish a new democracy of democracy and freedom, and not to use force against China, otherwise humanity will face greater disaster. . To this end, I am determined to create the three organizations of the China Democracy Party, the World Buddhist Federation and the Patriotic T-shirt Movement Committee, and unite the people of the whole country through different channels.
        I think that the glorious and great name of the China Democracy Party belongs to the entire Chinese people. No individual or group can take him for himself. To start a competition, whoever wins democracy and freedom for the Chinese people, whoever has the support of the entire Chinese people, who ultimately has this glorious great name, especially in the current CCP’s strong, the China Democracy Party is in the development stage, and the competition can not only be carried out Give full play to the wisdom and strength of more people, compete for the greatest leaders, and at the same time effectively respond to the misappropriation of China Democracy Party leaders and other activities that undermine the development of the China Democracy Party.
        The China Democracy Party I created is a political party of the Chinese people that aims to overthrow the CCP’s dictatorship and establish a democratic and free new China with the guidance of the thinking of the world’s Datong. He will promote the truth to awaken the people and organize and lead the people to carry out a democratic revolution. It is a guarantee for China to achieve democracy and freedom.
       Religion has always been the most important force in promoting the progress and development of human society. Buddhism is not only born in Asia, but the image of Buddhist culture Buddha is the easiest to understand and accept by Asian people. However, Buddhism regards Buddhism, Law, and Sangha as the object of believers, and regards compassion, equality, and wisdom as the teachings of Buddhism. It can be seen that Buddhism has not only seriously deviated from the religious backbone, but all Buddhist workers simply do not know what the essence of religion is. What is the principle?
       What is the principle of the bondage? How to treat? What is the essence of religion? What is true Buddhism? These are the most important issues in human society, and they are the core issue that is the key to uniting the people and promoting social progress. To this end, I specially wrote an article entitled "Opening a new era - what is true Buddhism" is attached to it. I think this article is the greatest and best article in the world. Please watch it.
      I believe that to overthrow the dictatorship of the Chinese Communist Party, we must not only unite the people of the whole country through different channels, but also ultimately call on the people to fight through direct publicity. In addition, the truth must be repeatedly and repeatedly publicized. The patriotic cultural shirt movement is a patriotic movement with the patriotic cultural shirt movement month in June and the Beijing Tiananmen Square as the sports center. For details, see my "Initiation of the Patriotic T-shirt Campaign - Proposal".
      I have always believed that when the soldiers are not only hard to train, but also encounter wars, floods, earthquakes and other disasters, the soldiers must stand up and shed blood. The majority of the soldiers are not only the children of the common people, but also the political consciousness is higher than the ordinary people. As long as the masses are mobilized, it means that the soldiers have been mobilized. The patriotic cultural shirt movement will inevitably arouse the people and bring together all the forces of justice, and become a historical trend that no one can block any forces, destroying all the old systems!
       I designed the party flag, the party emblem, the flag, and the emblem (attached to the back) for the Chinese Democratic Party, which I want to establish. I named the four-character emblem emblem as the sun, the golden-silver sun on the blue sky. It symbolizes the breaking of the darkness and the sunshine of the world. The word Wanzi has been used as a symbol of Buddhism for more than 2,000 years. In recent decades, Hitler’s use of the symbol of Buddhism to do bad things is bound to end in the end of self-immolation.
        The four-shaped sun has incomparable powerful mysterious power, plus the three magic weapons of the "Democratic Party", "World Federation of Fossils" and "Love Committee" and my wisdom. I think that I can bring the entire Chinese people in the shortest possible time. They all called for the defeat of the CCP to make the motherland realize democracy and freedom!
        Everything is difficult at the beginning. I hope that the people of the world, especially the Chinese people, will support and participate in the three organizations that I am about to create. We will work together to overthrow the dictatorship of the Chinese Communist Party, eliminate all evil forces against humanity, and let humanity enter a Unifying thoughts, understanding each other, learning from each other, helping each other, there is no new era of internal friction and rapid development!
                                                                    Wang Dalin (email address: mmabchab@gmail.com)
                                                         Written in Singapore on September 26, 2013, he also wrote "Opening the Age of Innovation - What Is Real Buddhism" and "Application for Political Asylum".

汪达林:非常盼望你们推荐我获得诺贝尔医学奖 Wang Dalin: I look forward to your recommendation to win the Nobel Prize in Medicine.

      The following article uses the network software to translate the above is the original text.

Wang Dalin: I look forward to your recommendation to win the Nobel Prize in Medicine.
       Intelligence is the greatest force that promotes human progress and development. The pain of restraint is not only the greatest suffering of mankind, but also the enemy that binds the development of human intelligence. This demon has been accompanied by human beings since the birth of mankind, hindering the progress of human progress.
       The essay I wrote "The Age of Innovation - What Is Real Buddhism" is the first time to correctly and completely reveal the essence of the bondage and the essence of religion. Many of the discoveries are the first time humans have discovered and filled the mind. A number of gaps in the principles of medical religion have found solutions to the struggle of human beings to overcome bondage.
       The medical practitioners have mastered this theory to help all those who come to psychotherapy to resolve psychological conflicts. The religious workers have mastered the theory and can make the religions most effective in helping people to eliminate mental pain. The mental suffering of the entire human race has eliminated the increase in intelligence, and human beings have entered a rapidly developing new time. Of course, the paper I wrote is the greatest paper in the world, and I have won the Nobel Prize in medicine.
       Only when I won the Nobel Prize in Medicine, will this paper attract the attention of human beings and serve the most effective human beings. And once I won the Nobel Prize in Medicine, I can most effectively apply the principles of all religions to eliminate mental pain, create the world's greatest religion, the real "Buddhism", help billions of people to eliminate mental pain, not only can Let billions of people improve their intelligence and work, and they can unite billions of people to overcome evil and promote human progress.
       For example, in order to save humanity, the Lord Buddha (I) came to the world in the flesh and grew up in a dictatorial China. He never married, felt the pain of human life, and sought ways to eliminate mental pain for mankind. He eventually returned to the creator of all things in the universe. The only omnipotent and true God, with the help of the Buddha, learned the truth of the life of the universe, and wrote the greatest paper of "Opening a new era - what is true Buddhism", won the Nobel Prize in Medicine, and regained the Sakyamuni The way that monks and nuns realized the truth of the life of the universe was that Sakyamuni gave up the reincarnation of heaven and came to the world.
       As long as you believe in "Buddhism", you are guaranteed to be happy than before, and the future is more happy than the present. As long as you follow the teachings of the Lord, you have accumulated enough merits to ensure that you can enter heaven after returning to the truth. As long as you truly believe in "Buddhism" and combine body and mind, pray in front of the Buddha statue of the Buddha, and ensure that you can get the help of the Holy Spirit (the Buddha is in the will of the Holy Spirit).
       I very much hope that you can take the progress of the whole humanity as the starting point and recommend me to win the Nobel Prize in Medicine.
       Attached: "Opening a new era - what is true Buddhism?"
                                                                            Wang Darin (Refugee Number: 815-13C01255)
                                                                                 Written in Bangkok, Thailand on April 18, 2016

汪达林:开创新时代——真正的佛教是怎样的 Wang Dalin: Opening a new era - what is true Buddhism?

       这样不但焦虑会加倍,而且对这件产生过大焦虑的小事会更加关注锁定。这样焦虑不断产生,自己又不断用焦虑来抵抗消除焦虑形成恶性循环,即被束缚。 这就好似平静的水面上起了一道波浪,人们平息波浪的方式是又用一道波浪来平息这道波浪,结果是水面上的波浪更多更大。
       当人放弃了用自己的力量抵抗、消除痛苦,归依神,即全心信奉,归顺依附。具体对待出现的过强焦虑问题,首先要把自己的生命完全依托给神,绝对服从神对自己命运的安排。另外一定要知道自己出现的过强焦虑就是神的安排,神是为了自己好,不然自己会精神崩溃得精神病它并不是不正常的事,再不要用自己的方式去抵抗、消除它。  这时恶性循环立刻被打破,人会立刻感到头脑轻松、眼睛明亮从痛苦的束缚中解放出来。
       我就是被痛苦烦恼束缚最严重的人,现代医学把轻度的被痛苦烦恼束缚叫“神经衰弱”,把像我这样严重的被痛苦烦恼束缚叫“强迫症”。而我得神经症40年,其中得“神经衰弱”12年,得“强迫症”28年,受尽苦难 以上论述就是依据我的亲身经历和切身感受。
                                                                汪达林(电子信箱:mmabchab@gmail.com )
       The following article uses the network software to translate the above is the original text.

Wang Dalin: Opening a new era - what is true Buddhism?
       Human beings evolved from shackles to humans, and all problems encountered were solved with the mind. The human brain is constantly developed and the ability to solve problems is constantly increasing. However, when the human brain solves the pains of anxiety and anxiety in its own mind, conflicts arise. Therefore, human beings have had religions from the primitive society. Religion plays an important role in eliminating mental pain and regulating psychological balance.
       Buddhism is not only born in Asia, but the image of Buddhist culture Buddha is the easiest to understand and accept by Asian people. However, Buddhism regards Buddhism, Law, and Sangha as the object of believers, and regards compassion, equality, and wisdom as the teachings of Buddhism. It can be seen that Buddhism has not only seriously deviated from the religious backbone, but all Buddhist workers simply do not know what the essence of religion is. What is the principle of this, as evidenced by the fact that the most populous Asian Buddhism still cannot become the world's largest religion.
       There will be a lot of pain in a person's life, but the greatest pain is the pain caused by psychological conflict, that is, the pain of being tied up by pain and trouble, because any pain will be forgotten after a period of time, but the pain of bondage can accompany people's life.
       When a person encounters a very painful thing, or encounters a few very painful things that may lead to his own mental breakdown or unbearable for himself, in order to avoid mental insults, but against my own reason, I am resisted by myself. The psychological activity that is not felt, that is, the subconscious, will instinctively defend.
       Here is the escape transfer method, which is to avoid all the painful things, not to think about it, not to worry about it, to transfer the anxiety and painful emotions generated by the big things to the little things in life, that is, through small anxiety and pain. The matter is released (these little things include everything that you are experiencing and what you imagine, all that can cause you to have little anxiety and pain).
       I don’t completely violate my own reason, the consciousness that I can feel, that is, the perceptual consciousness. At this time, I feel that I have become too big and too strong in some small things or a small matter, I feel that this is right. Unfavorable things will be anxious for it.
       I am completely in line with my own reason, and I feel the clearest consciousness, that is, the rational consciousness. At this time, because I don’t know my subconscious behavior, I treat this little thing like other small things according to my own knowledge and experience. I think this one The emergence of such a large anxiety in ordinary trivial matters must be a problem that is unfavorable to oneself, so that it causes excessive anxiety behavior, that is, it is strongly resisted to eliminate it.
       Or because of the mistakes of their own cognition, not only the methods of resisting the elimination of them are wrong, but also the feelings of anxiety for it, and the fact that the behavior of removing the mistakes is actually only resisting with anxiety. Eliminate the over-anxiety of this trivial matter, that is, use your own mind to confront your own mind (this is by no means that psychological conflicts arise after you have concrete actions to eliminate excessive anxiety, and psychological conflicts arise when you think you have a way to eliminate them. When you are over-anxious, you are determined to eliminate excessive anxiety.)
       This will not only double the anxiety, but also pay more attention to the lock on this little thing that creates too much anxiety. This kind of anxiety is constantly generated, and I continue to use anxiety to resist the elimination of anxiety to form a vicious circle, that is, to be bound. This is like a wave on the calm water. The way people calm down the waves is to use a wave to calm the waves. The result is that the waves on the water are much larger.
       In all the things that release the pain, some things are bound by the restraint that it is normal to have such a large anxiety. Some things are bound by the restraint that it is abnormal to have such a large anxiety, but there is no way to eliminate it. These things will not happen. Forming a psychological conflict, only the restrained person thinks that such a large anxiety is abnormal. If there is a way to eliminate it, a psychological conflict will be formed. The most serious thing about the psychological conflict is that the restrained person thinks that such a large anxiety is the most If you are not normal, you have the best way to eliminate it.
       Once the bondager is bound by something, because the bond has been released by this matter, or most of the pain has been released, it will form a bondager who is only anxious about this matter or thinks that this One thing is anxiety-based symptoms that are supplemented by anxiety in other things.
       Isn't the psychotherapy of modern medicine the best way to relieve the bondage? the answer is negative. Indeed, those who are bound by painful misunderstandings truly understand the true principles of the bitterness that I have discovered above, and will definitely lift the bondage. This is true cognitive therapy. All other psychotherapy can only alleviate the bondage.
       Although the truth I have found above can help many people to overcome the bondage, there are still many people who cannot fully understand the above truth. This is because people who are bound by pain and trouble are hard to concentrate on everything else, and their ability to analyze and judge, the ability to understand acceptance will decline, that is, the intelligence will decline, and the truth is difficult to understand and accept.
       This requires solving these painful events that they have been escaping. But on the one hand, things that are not solved when they are not bound are more difficult to solve after they are bound. On the other hand, these things are often caused by social factors. For example, in China under the dictatorship of the Chinese Communist Party, official corruption, the entire society is morally devastated, and the suffering of the people is inevitable. The pain caused by these social factors is difficult for modern medicine and bound individuals to solve.
       Is it the best way for Zen and Falun Gong to relieve the bondage? Falun Gong, like Zen, can relieve the bondage in two ways. The first aspect is meditation, that is, sitting on the ribs, bones, and blood vessels of the legs and the legs, so that the legs and feet will cause pain and numbness because of the impassability of the blood, and the pain caused by the big things will be transferred to themselves. The body pain is released, that is, through the pain caused by the pain of the legs and feet, causing little anxiety and pain in the spirit.
       Both Zen and Falun Gong will require no distractions when meditating. Because the nerves of the legs and feet are connected to the brain, the more the heart is without distracting, the more fully the pain of the legs and feet can be felt. The more the pain caused by the big things can be completely released through the pain caused by the legs and feet, avoiding the transfer to other aspects. Because the meditation person thinks that meditation is good for his physical and mental health, it is normal to have such a large anxiety because of the pain in the legs and feet during meditation. Therefore, if you do not confront it, there will be no psychological conflict, so you can relieve the bondage. However, as the meditation ends, the qi and blood circulation of the legs and feet disappears, and the pain caused by the major events will shift to other aspects. So this is a way to shift mental pain to physical pain to achieve temporary relief.
       The second aspect is the deification of Zen and Falun Gong and its founders, using the principles of religion to relieve the bondage. However, because all the workers do not know the principle of the bondage, they cannot know the nature and principle of religion. Therefore, not only the use of the principle of religion is not good, but also the thought and the religious thought of the early gods. It is equally unreasonable (for example, Li Hongzhi beats the Falun in the lower abdomen of Falun Gong practitioners), so it cannot be accepted by the general public today.
       Morita Masahiro’s hospitalization therapy is the same as Zen, and the theory and natural distracting theory of Morita Masaru’s hospitalization therapy are wrong, but as long as the bondage thinks his theory is correct. It can also alleviate the fear, anxiety and confrontation of excessive anxiety, so it can alleviate and alleviate the bondage.
       Similarly, Freud's psychoanalytic therapy, although mistakenly thought to be an early experience, has caused morbid psychological symptoms in the past, but as long as the restrained person believes that his theory is correct, it can alleviate the occurrence of excessive anxiety. Worry, anxiety and confrontation, thus alleviating psychological conflicts.
       As far as I know, these two are the greatest and most famous psychologists in the world. Just because they don't know the true principle of the bondage, they can't know the nature and principle of religion. The principle of the bondage is the principle that religion eliminates mental pain. The two are exactly the same, just one positive and one opposite. ), so they openly opposed the belief in religion.
       Is there no better way to get rid of the bondage? Of course, this is religion. But religion is required to break the vicious circle with the simplest, most understandable, most reasonable, and most acceptable ideas. The simplest and most understandable idea is that God is omnipotent. Why is God omnipotent? The most reasonable and most acceptable idea is that God is the creator and sole lord of all things in the universe, including human beings.
       When people give up their own strength to resist, eliminate pain, and return to God, that is, wholeheartedly believe, and return to dependency. To deal with the problem of excessive anxiety that occurs, we must first rely on God's life to completely obey God's destiny. In addition, you must know that your excessive anxiety is God's arrangement. God is good for yourself. Otherwise, you will mentally collapse and get mentally ill. It is not an abnormal thing. Don't use your own way to resist and eliminate it. At this time, the vicious circle is immediately broken, and people will immediately feel the ease of the mind, and the bright eyes will be freed from the bondage of pain.
       After returning to the sacredness or doctrine of a certain religion, whether or not this physical and mental feeling is the only criterion for testing whether the religion is separated from the religious backbone, as a religion, only the most effective help to eliminate mental suffering can make more people To truly believe in this religion, we can unite more people and promote social progress. This is the essence and principle of religion.
       Buddhism regards the Buddha, the Fa, and the Sangha as the object of the followers, but the Buddha, the Fado, the Mondo, the true Buddha and the False Buddha are mixed together, the Fa-rectification and the Fiction are mixed together, and the good and the bad are mixed together. It is difficult for people to return. Have a feeling of body and mind. But this is not the biggest mistake of Buddhism. Buddhism regards compassion, equality and wisdom as the teachings of Buddhism. It can be seen that the essence of Buddhism is centered on people rather than God. This is the biggest and most deadly mistake in Buddhism.
       So what should true Buddhism be like? The true Buddhism should be that the Buddha is the creator and the sole lord of all things in the universe, including human beings. It is the only omnipotent true God. When Sakyamuni was bound by painful troubles 2,500 years ago, all the methods of "outside the road" could not be freed from bondage, and it was useless for six years of asceticism. One day he came to the Lilaian River, sat under the Bodhi tree, and vowed not to overcome the pain and troubles.
       However, the more he tried to eliminate the pain, the more serious he was bound by the painful troubles. He struggled with pain and trouble for 7 days and 7 nights. When he had reached the edge of death, he completely gave up his own power to eliminate the pain and return. The creator of all things in the universe, the only true God of omnipotence. At this time, he immediately felt relaxed and bright eyes. The Buddha not only helped him to eliminate the pain, but also made him understand the truth of the universe.
       I am the one who is most severely bound by painful troubles. Modern medicine shackles the mild painful troubles as "neurasthenia" and binds the severely painful troubles like me to "obsessive-compulsive disorder". I have had neurosis for 40 years, including "neurasthenia" for 12 years, "obsessive-compulsive disorder" for 28 years, and suffering. The above discussion is based on my personal experience and personal experience.
       In the future, I will correct the mistakes of Buddhism, create the world's greatest religion, true Buddhism, and write correct, complete, and easy-to-understand Buddhist teachings and Buddhist scriptures as soon as possible, helping more people to eliminate mental suffering and uniting the people. To overthrow the CCP's dictatorship, establish a new China with democracy and freedom, and work hard to build the earth into heaven on earth!
                                                                Wang Dalin (email address: mmabchab@gmail.com)
                                                                      On September 22, 2013, when applying for political asylum in Singapore, he also wrote "World Datong - Call for the Founding of the Party" and "Application for Political Asylum".
       Attachment: The content of the fifth increase and the content of the second revision on January 26, 2016 are displayed in red and purple characters. The content of the fourth increase and the content of the simultaneous revision on November 17, 2015 are shown in red, 2015 The third increase on July 8th was shown in blue. The second increase on June 18, 2015 was shown in purple. The first increase on September 20, 2014 was shown in orange.

汪达林:法轮功的出路——给希望之声网络部艾雯的一封公开信 Wang Dalin: The Way Out for Falun Gong - An Open Letter to Ai Wen of the Network of Hope


2015年12月4日 下午12:19
我想推荐先生读一读【转法轮】。此书的作者李洪志先生曾4次获诺贝尔和平奖提名,他创立的法轮大法洪传世界,至今已获得许多国家的各级政府褒奖1899个,支持 议案391个,世界各界支持信函1200封,上亿法轮功修炼者 身心获益。 
先生可以在网上很容易的搜索到【轉法輪】。个人觉得这本书能帮先生更清楚的认识佛法,从而加快使您的作品 获得诺贝尔医学奖的步伐。 

The following article uses the network software to translate the above is the original text.

Wang Dalin: The Way Out for Falun Gong - An Open Letter to Ai Wen of the Network of Hope
       Human beings can develop to the point that wisdom is not brute force. I believe that today's human beings have the ability to distinguish between right and wrong, so in the paper "Opening a new era - what is true Buddhism" is the truth. But in the Buddhist scriptures I wrote, I will not only oppose meditation, but also advocate another way to transfer mental pain to the body. This method is not only contrary to the core ideas of Buddhism, but also completely consistent with meditation. better. Why do I not object to meditating in the Buddhist scriptures? This is because I wrote Buddhist scriptures to help people eliminate mental pain, and I wrote the book "Opening a new era - what is true Buddhism". This paper is to let people know the principle of the bondage.
       Then, do we want to continue to support Falun Gong? To know what to do, you must first understand Falun Gong. Falun Gong is a religion, but religious thought is extremely unreasonable. What Li Hongzhi beat the Falun in the lower abdomen of Falun Gong practitioners. Such unreasonable religious thoughts, why did Falun Gong continue to grow and develop in the past? This is because there are four reasons for this. First, under the dictatorship of the Chinese Communist Party, the Chinese people have a great mental pain that requires religion to eliminate. However, the CCP restricts people from practicing religion, and Falun Gong’s practice of practicing the practice has avoided the restrictions of the CCP. By practicing Falun Gong, people felt the role of religion in eliminating mental pain and believed in Falun Gong. Second, Falun Gong's use of meditation can temporarily eliminate the characteristics of mental pain, making Falun Gong practitioners mistakenly believe that Li Hongzhi played the role of the Falun in their small abdomen. Third, Buddhism also seriously deviated from the religious backbone, which left room for Falun Gong to survive. Fourth, the democratic countries headed by the United States have taken refuge from Falun Gong practitioners. This has led many people who do not practice Falun Gong to practice Falun Gong.
       There are two main differences between the two. First, the CCP’s restrictions on religious beliefs have been loosened. Many people can eliminate mental suffering through Buddhism, Christianity, and Islam, which are better than Falun Gong. Second, I now have my greatest religious thoughts. What is oblique? It is relative to the positive. The religious thought of Falun Gong does not know where the skew is compared with my religious thought. Human resources are limited. Only by supporting the most correct thinking can human beings develop healthily and steadily. This is a wise choice. Falun Gong practitioners only have the true religious beliefs when they founded Buddhism. The Falun Gong practitioners have the influence and appeal of social activities under the banner of my Buddhism. Otherwise, the future path of Falun Gong is not just a simple one. The narrower the problem, the more he will consume human resources, hinder the correct development of religion, and will be opposed by the people of the world.
       Last but not least, the Nobel Foundation stipulates that the nomination of the Nobel Prize is strictly confidential. Many people claim that they have been nominated for the Nobel Prize and should be rumors.
       Attachment: Letter from the Voice of Hope Network, Ai Wen, and my letter to the voice of hope.
                                                                Wang Darin (Refugee Number: 815-13C01255)
                                                                      Written in Bangkok, Thailand on December 28, 2015

December 4, 2015 12:19 PM
Hello Mr. Wang!
The letter was received, thank you Mr. for the trust in the voice of hope.
I would like to recommend Mr. to read [Zhuan Falun]. The author of this book, Mr. Li Hongzhi, was nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize four times. The Falun Dafa he founded has spread to the world. He has won 1,899 awards from various governments at various levels, supported 391 proposals, and received 1,200 letters from all walks of life around the world. The billions of Falun Gong practitioners benefit physically and mentally.
Mr. can easily search for [Zhuan Falun] on the Internet. Personally, this book can help the gentleman to understand the Dharma more clearly, thus speeding up the pace of getting your work to the Nobel Prize in Medicine.
Congratulations to Dongan!
Ai Wen
Voice of Hope Network

汪达林:政治避难申请书 Wang Dalin: Political Asylum Application

        申请人:汪达林,男,汉族,1958年9月22日出生,高中学历,未婚,武汉富豪集团有限公司退休职工,住中国湖北省武汉市江岸区湖边坊村39号7楼2-1号    身份证号码:420102195809222038    中国国籍    护照号码:G53940842    DE身份证号码:YN43486    电子信箱:mmabchab@gmail.com 
      The following article uses the network software to translate the above is the original text.

Wang Dalin: Political Asylum Application
        Applicant: Wang Dalin, male, Han nationality, born on September 22, 1958, high school education, unmarried, retired employee of Wuhan Regal Group Co., Ltd., living in No. 2-1, 7th Floor, No. 39, Hubianfang Village, Jiang'an District, Wuhan, Hubei, China Number: 420102195809222038 Chinese nationality passport number: G53940842 DE ID number: YN43486 E-mail: mmabchab@gmail.com
        The applicant was brutally persecuted by the CCP because he wanted to establish a democratic and free new China and created inventions and initiatives to launch the patriotic cultural shirt movement.
        Request for Matters: Requesting the UNHCR Office in Thailand, the US Embassy in Thailand approved me to go to the US for political asylum.
                                                          Facts and reasons
        In order to build a democratic and free new China, I created progressive songs and articles such as "Duel", "Giant and God", "I want to go to Tiananmen Square to self-immolate", "Dark Social Corruption Party" ("Duel" The first song can be listened to online before the Voice of Hope, and created inventions and initiatives to launch the patriotic cultural shirt movement. In 2004, almost all the famous Chinese-language media in the world published my proposal for launching a patriotic t-shirt campaign and photos of my wearing a cultural shirt. Media such as Radio France, Deutsche Welle Radio, Radio Free Asia Radio, and Radio of Hope Radio interviewed and reported on me. We have established the Patriotic T-shirt Sports Association and the Three People's Republic of China. I am the President of the China General Assembly. We have a website on Democracy and Freedom in Taiwan.
        Although my actions are beneficial to the country and the people and do not violate Chinese laws, I have been illegally detained, ransacked and under house arrest by the CCP. On September 29, 2005, the CCP even listed me as a state secret, and after secretly arresting me, I was not allowed to hire a lawyer on the grounds of state secrets. I secretly sentenced me to labor education on charges of inciting subversion of state power. In the year, I was placed in the third battalion of Wuhan Hanyang Labor Camp, which specializes in drug addicts, and I was held in a cell for nearly a year with a AIDS person named Tu Caijun. There are hooligans and deceased people who have AIDS to supervise and persecute me.
        In the two-year retired life of the world, I meditate on how to defeat the CCP to build a democratic and free new China. Finally, I finally realized that I want to realize my ideals. In addition to establishing a patriotic cultural shirt movement committee, I must also establish the China Democracy Party and the World Buddhist Federation to unite the entire Chinese people through different channels. It is also necessary to go to the US for political asylum and establish a publicity institution such as the website of the China Democracy Party "World Federation of Foshan" and radio stations.
        I think that the glorious and great name of the China Democracy Party belongs to the entire Chinese people. No individual or group can take him for himself. To start a competition, whoever wins democracy and freedom for the Chinese people, whoever has the support of the entire Chinese people, who ultimately has this glorious great name, especially in the current CCP’s strong, the China Democracy Party is in the development stage, and the competition can not only be carried out Give full play to the wisdom and strength of more people, compete for the greatest leaders, and at the same time effectively respond to the misappropriation of China Democracy Party leaders and other activities that undermine the development of the China Democracy Party.
        The China Democracy Party I created is a political party of the Chinese people that aims to overthrow the CCP’s dictatorship and establish a democratic and free new China with the guidance of the thinking of the world’s Datong. He will promote the truth to awaken the people and organize and lead the people to carry out a democratic revolution. It is a guarantee for China to achieve democracy and freedom. For details, please refer to the "World Datong - Founding Party Call" written by me.
        Religion has always been the most important force in promoting the progress and development of human society. Buddhism is not only born in Asia, but the image of Buddhist culture Buddha is the easiest to understand and accept by Asian people. However, Buddhism regards the Buddha, the Fa, and the Sangha as the object of the believer's return, and regards compassion, equality, and wisdom as the teachings of Buddhism. It can be seen that Buddhism has not only seriously deviated from the religious backbone, but all Buddhist workers simply do not know what the essence of religion is.
        What is the principle of the bondage? How to treat? What is the essence of religion? What is true Buddhism? These are the most important issues in human society, and they are the core issue that is the key to uniting the people and promoting social progress. To this end, I specially wrote an article entitled "Opening a new era - what is true Buddhism" is attached to it. I think this article is the greatest and best article in the world. Please watch it.
        I think that to overthrow the dictatorship of the Chinese Communist Party, we must not only unite the people of the whole country through different channels, but also ultimately call on the people to fight through direct publicity. In addition, the truth must be repeatedly and repeatedly publicized. The patriotic cultural shirt movement is a patriotic movement with the patriotic cultural shirt movement month in June and the Beijing Tiananmen Square as the sports center. For details, see my "Initiation of the Patriotic T-shirt Campaign - Proposal".
        I have always believed that when the soldiers are not only hard to train, but also encounter wars, floods, earthquakes and other disasters, the soldiers must stand up and shed blood. The majority of the soldiers are not only the children of the common people, but also politically higher than the ordinary people. As long as the masses are mobilized, it means that the soldiers have been mobilized. The patriotic cultural shirt movement will inevitably arouse the people and bring together all the forces of justice, and become a historical trend that no one can block any forces, destroying all the old systems!
        I designed the party flag, the party emblem, the flag, and the emblem for the China Democracy Party that I want to establish. The flag of the party emblem is named after the sun. The golden and silver sun symbolizes the blue sky. Breaking the darkness gives the sun a shine. The word Wanzi has been used as a symbol of Buddhism for more than 2,000 years. In recent decades, Hitler’s use of the symbol of Buddhism to do bad things is bound to end in the end of self-immolation.
        The four-shaped sun has incomparable powerful mysterious power, plus the three magic weapons of the "Democratic Party", "World Federation of Fossils" and "Love Committee" and my wisdom. I think that I can bring the entire Chinese people in the shortest possible time. They all called for the defeat of the CCP to make the motherland realize democracy and freedom!
        After I was released from prison on September 28, 2007, the CCP also closely monitored me. Not only did I install a monitor downstairs in my house, but I also bought a house from my neighbor’s house and sent a group of people to monitor and eavesdrop on me. Tracking, once cut off my home phone. However, the media such as "Free Asia Radio", "The Epoch Times", and "The Voice of Hope" have excluded the interviews and reports on me (online can be listened to online). Many websites have published the patriotic cultural shirt inventor with the evidence, Wang Dalin. Reports of political persecution.
        Since my labor camp was released from prison, I have illegally detained three times for the illegal teaching of the labor education book and the secret case, and the evidence of the lawyer’s decision is not allowed to be submitted to the public. I have not submitted any judgment to me. I want to destroy all the evidence that persecutes me.
        After I was released from prison, I found that our organization was seriously damaged by the CCP. The website of "Democracy and Freedom" was closed. In order to avoid the CCP’s brutal persecution against me, I suspended all democratic undertakings in order to achieve my goal of achieving my political asylum. activity. However, because the CCP has closely monitored and persecuted me, I have not succeeded in going out for political asylum three times.
        I have a large number of Chinese plainclothes policemen coming to Singapore to come to Singapore with me this time. Since Singapore is very small, I feel that the CCP has stolen the password of my e-mail and entered my e-mail. I not only know the contents of three articles such as the Political Asylum Application I wrote, but also deleted the UNHCR and the United States. The reply from the Embassy in Singapore caused me to misjudge the time spent in Singapore and was almost repatriated. Now that I have come to Thailand for the rest of my life, there must be a large number of CCP plainclothes to follow. My current situation is still very dangerous.
        After arriving in Thailand, I went to the refugee center to seek to introduce the residence. The only staff member who met Chinese was a female Falun Gong practitioner. The first time she introduced the residence, because the location was too remote and unsafe, I did not go. The second time I went to the refugee center, she introduced me to a woman named Zi Yan who said she had a house. There is also a middle-aged man named He Zihui (their mobile phone numbers are: 0815402758, 0889246592). After I contacted them, I learned from the experience and insights I have with the CCP for many years. Force, can be 100% sure that the two of them are CCP spies. As I found out in time that the timely evacuation avoided murder.
       This time I fled the persecution and applied for political asylum because I thought it would be successful, and the democratic countries I went to would definitely help me, so I relaxed my vigilance when I was online. When I met the female Falun Gong practitioners in the refugee center and the purple eyes and He Zihui who introduced her, I thought that they were all friends who supported the cause of democracy in China and revealed my true thoughts. After I suspended all activities in the cause of democracy, the CCP has always suspected but there is no evidence. This time, we have invested a lot of manpower and resources. When they knew my true thoughts, there was once an action against me in the Geylang in Singapore.
        In order to unite the entire Chinese people to establish a democratic and free new China, in order to avoid the CCP’s brutal persecution against me, in accordance with the provisions of Article 14 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the “Law of the Refugees adopted by the United States in 1981” The regulations are now applied to the UNHCR Office in Thailand and the US Embassy in Thailand for legal asylum in the United States.
                                                         Source of evidence and evidence
        1. Enter the titles of Wang Dalin and "Duel", "Giant and God", "I want to go to Tiananmen Square to self-immolate", "The Dark Society of Corruption" in the search engine, and now I can also search for my previous creations. Some progress articles.
        2. Enter Wang Dalin and the patriotic cultural shirt movement in the search engine. Now I can also search for the proposal for launching the patriotic cultural shirt movement and the photos I wear in the cultural shirt.
        3. In the search engine, enter "Wang Dalin was secretly detained for two years", "The CCP has listed the murder of Wang Dalin as a state secret", and now you can also search for "the secret case is not allowed to ask the lawyer to decide" and "labor book" I have been reported by political persecution of evidence such as "teaching books."
        4. Our organization has been seriously damaged by the CCP. The website of "Democracy and Freedom" is closed. You can ask the Pan-Blue Alliance and Dai Pingshan (we organize the head of Taiwan).
        5. Enter Wang Dalin, Yan Guangming, and Cheng Xue in the search engine. Now you can also search for the 72-day report that the Chinese Communist Party illegally detained in the black jail after being released from prison in 2008, and the contact between witnesses Yan Guangming and Cheng Xue. phone.
        6. In the search engine, enter "Wu Dalin, a Wuhan dissident, was released after two years of secrets." Now, I can also search for the reporter of "Free Asia Radio" and ask about the police who are holding my labor camp.
        7. I have attached 20 evidences such as being summoned, being ransacked, being detained four times, being detained for four times, re-educational books, resolving books, and secretly not allowing lawyers to decide. These 20 pieces of evidence and the following party flags, party emblems, flags, and emblems have been sent to your e-mail address.
        8. Attached to me, "Opening a new era - what is true Buddhism", "World Datong - Building a Party Call" and the party flag, party emblem, flag, and emblem I designed.
       UNHCR's office in Thailand, US Embassy in Thailand.
                                                                                       Applicant: Wang Dalin
                                                                              Written in Bangkok, Thailand on October 26, 2013.

汪达林:倡议书——发起爱国文化衫运动(有照片) Wang Darin: Proposal - Launching a Patriotic T-shirt Campaign (with photos)

        The following article uses the network software to translate the above is the original text.

Wang Darin: Proposal - Launching a Patriotic T-shirt Campaign (with photos)
Chinese compatriots:
       In the 21st century when all countries in the world have entered a democratic society and the people have lived a happy and free life, the sacred mission of building a democratic and free new China has been more prominent in front of us. We are not only responsible for ourselves, but also for our country. Today, I once again advocated launching a patriotic cultural shirt movement, hoping that the entire Chinese people can actively participate in this great patriotic movement.
       I believe that truth must be repeatedly and repeatedly publicized, because Liao mistakes also have a large number of people in repeated propaganda. However, in China today without the freedom of the news media, the Chinese people only use cultural shirts to promote the truth. The patriotic cultural shirt movement is a patriotic movement that mainly uses its own clothes as the media, uses clothes to write, paints and wears symbolic signs to promote the truth. This patriotic movement does not limit the propaganda content, as long as you think What is important to you, to our society, our country is important, you can participate in propaganda, patriotic cultural shirt movement is the patriotic cultural shirt movement month in June each year, Beijing Tiananmen Square as the annual patriotic cultural shirt movement month sports center a patriotic movement.
       From 2004 onwards, on June 1st every year, I will wear a cultural shirt with "People's Culture Shirt Movement" printed on the chest behind "Democracy Freedom" to promote democracy and freedom in Beijing's Tiananmen Square, promote patriotic cultural shirt movement and make friends. Like-minded friends, and in the next June of each year, every day I live and work in Wuhan, I will wear this cultural shirt to promote the truth and make friends in Wuhan.
       I called on all Chinese people to actively participate in this great patriotic movement and contribute their strength to our society and our country. History has always been created by the people. The patriotic cultural shirt movement will inevitably arouse the people, and Bring together all the forces of justice, and become a historical trend that no one can stop any power, destroying all old systems!
                                                                      Wang Dalin
                                                                     May 8, 2005

联合国难民署泰国办事处在谋杀难民(四)——打不出的证明电话 UNHCR Thailand Office Murders Refugees (4) - Proof of Calls Not Called

       新闻发布原则:“不能发布未经证实的新闻,发布的新闻必须有两个以上的渠道来源 。”我只有打通了这个证明电话,媒体才可能将我写的三篇《联合国难民署泰国办事处在谋杀难民》的文章刊登出来。
       住址:Room No.206,No.45,Soi 98,Lat Phrao Road,Khet Wang Thong Lang,Bangkok,10310,Thailand (在98巷对面有一家Big C,七层楼高的大商场,我每天都在商场里吃饭看电视等等度过一天。)手机号码:0937132131(00-66-937132131),电子信箱:mmabchab@gmail.com;mmabczab@gmail.com;igdpssh1@gmail.com

      The following article uses the network software to translate the above is the original text.

UNHCR Thailand Office Murders Refugees (4) - Proof of Calls Not Called
       The principle of press release: "We can't publish unconfirmed news. The news must have more than two sources." I only got through this proof call, and the media can only write three copies of the UNHCR Thailand Office. The article on the murder of refugees was published.
       I used my mobile phone, the coin-operated phone around me, and repeatedly (on the surface) hit the phone through the foreign media such as Voice of America, and read the certificate, but then I did not see these media published what I wrote. These three articles have not received a reply from these media. I have called many times in areas far away from home, but wherever I go, the coin-operated telephones in these areas are all unable to make international calls. I think it is definitely the UNHCR's Thailand office, which buys the Thai telecommunications company. When I know that I want to fight, I have to turn around and transfer to the place where they specialize in making false calls to foreign media (there are several women specializing in They made scams here, and they didn’t have time to turn around. They sealed the long distance of coin-operated calls in these areas.
       The "Thai Office" sent a large number of people to follow up and monitor me. I have been "stubborn" in Thailand for almost five years, and I have never lost their track. “Thai Office” announced on their website that they have more than 100 employees and six offices in Thailand. I think that lying is their nature. The real number of "Thai Offices" should be two zeros after the number of people they announced, that is, at least 10,000 people. Not only are the wages they control every month astronomy. The figures, the social funds they control each month, the examination funds for the refugees are all astronomical, and there is almost no thing they can do in Thailand.
       "Taiwan Office" has been a bad thing for me for a long time. In the past year or so, the "Thai Office" bought an average of more than 10 people every day to cough for me. Sometimes I bought more than 30 people to cough for me. I am already being beaten by them. Crazy. According to the long-term sinister and murderous murder of the "Thai Office", the more I report to the UN and the UNHCR, the more vicious the murder of the "Thai Office" is definitely the main "Taiwan Office". The responsible persons were all bought by the CCP. This group of people must have murdered many refugees and bloody debts. I think this is absolutely true. Never let them continue to do nothing! Never let them go!
        "Everything must be justified. Law is the biggest reason in the country. It is like you. It is like you. What do you think is how to do it? He thinks how to do it. I think how to do it. The country, this society is in a mess." This sentence is what I said when I was persecuted by the Chinese Communist Party, and the two security guards who were illegally detaining me. I said this in Thailand today is also a subversive truth. The “Thai Office” is a banner for the qualification of refugees. It is lawless in Thailand. The large amount of illegal and criminal activities committed by the “Taiwan Office” is only under the leadership of the “Taiwan Office”. Thailand’s handling of the law will severely punish these responsible persons in accordance with the law, in order to curb the spread of illegal activities in Thailand and make Thailand move healthier and forward.
       I will announce my address, mobile number and three e-mail addresses in Bangkok, Thailand. After I announced my address, the “Thai Office” may buy the landlord to drive me away. I will wait for the media to interview on the street. My mobile phone number and three e-mails have been published before, but I have not received a letter from the media. I think it is definitely the “Thai Office” to buy the branch of Gu Ge in Thailand and delete the media in my mailbox. I wrote a letter to buy a Thai telecommunications company and intercepted my long-distance calls.
       Address: Room No.206, No.45, Soi 98, Lat Phrao Road, Khet Wang Thong Lang, Bangkok, 10310, Thailand (A Big C opposite the 98 Lane, a seven-storey shopping mall, I am in the daily Shopping in the mall to watch TV and so on. One day.) Mobile number: 0937132131 (00-66-937132131), e-mail: mmabchab@gmail.commmabczab@gmail.comigdpssh1@gmail.com
       Attachment: A call to the media (in the case of the Voice of America).
                                                                                               Wang Darin (Refugee Number: 815-13C01255)
                                                                                                  Written in Bangkok, Thailand on August 18, 2018

Call to the Voice of America:
      My name is Wang Dalin. On the Internet, I can still listen to the interview with Radio Free Asia on the Internet. The voice of my speech can prove that I am Wang Dalin. I am now in Thailand, applying to the UNHCR's Thailand office for five years to go to the US for political asylum. Not only can I not go to US political asylum, but I have also been sinisterly viciously murdered by the UNHCR Thailand office.
       I wrote and sent you and three articles published on the Internet: The first article was titled "The UNHCR Thailand Office Murders Refugees", which has three subheadings: The crowd, the "crazy puppy", "the vicious trick". The title of the second article is "The UNHCR Thailand Office is murdering refugees (2) - I love the people of the world very much", which wrote my mobile number: 0937132131 (this mobile number is my service at UNHCR Thailand) Registered my mobile number). The title of the third article is "The UNHCR Thailand Office is murdering refugees (3) - the last madness."
       All the contents of the three articles I wrote are facts. I applied to the UNHCR Thailand office that murdered me for US political asylum. If the contents of the three articles I wrote are not true, they will Will cancel my refugee status. I am very much looking forward to the "Voice of America" to publish the three articles I wrote! I very much hope that more media can lend a helping hand to report on this matter! Thank you!
                                                                                                       Wang Dalin
                                                                                                    Called in Bangkok, Thailand on August 18, 2018