
Wang Dalin: Opening a new era - what is true Buddhism? 汪达林:开创新时代——真正的佛教是怎样的

Wang Dalin: Opening a new era - what is true Buddhism?
       Human beings evolved from shackles to humans, and all problems encountered were solved with the mind. The human brain is constantly developed and the ability to solve problems is constantly increasing. However, when the human brain solves the pains of anxiety and anxiety in its own mind, conflicts arise. Therefore, human beings have had religions from the primitive society. Religion plays an important role in eliminating mental pain and regulating psychological balance.
       Buddhism is not only born in Asia, but the image of Buddhist culture Buddha is the easiest to understand and accept by Asian people. However, Buddhism regards Buddhism, Law, and Sangha as the object of believers, and regards compassion, equality, and wisdom as the teachings of Buddhism. It can be seen that Buddhism has not only seriously deviated from the religious backbone, but all Buddhist workers simply do not know what the essence of religion is. What is the principle of this, as evidenced by the fact that the most populous Asian Buddhism still cannot become the world's largest religion.
       There will be a lot of pain in a person's life, but the greatest pain is the pain caused by psychological conflict, that is, the pain of being tied up by pain and trouble, because any pain will be forgotten after a period of time, but the pain of bondage can accompany people's life.
       When a person encounters a very painful thing, or encounters a few very painful things that may lead to his own mental breakdown or unbearable for himself, in order to avoid mental insults, but against my own reason, I am resisted by myself. The psychological activity that is not felt, that is, the subconscious, will instinctively defend.
       Here is the escape transfer method, which is to avoid all the painful things, not to think about it, not to worry about it, to transfer the anxiety and painful emotions generated by the big things to the little things in life, that is, through small anxiety and pain. The matter is released (these little things include everything that you are experiencing and what you imagine, all that can cause you to have little anxiety and pain).
       I don’t completely violate my own reason, the consciousness that I can feel, that is, the perceptual consciousness. At this time, I feel that I have become too big and too strong in some small things or a small matter, I feel that this is right. Unfavorable things will be anxious for it.
       I am completely in line with my own reason, and I feel the clearest consciousness, that is, the rational consciousness. At this time, because I don’t know my subconscious behavior, I treat this little thing like other small things according to my own knowledge and experience. I think this one The emergence of such a large anxiety in ordinary trivial matters must be a problem that is unfavorable to oneself, so that it causes excessive anxiety behavior, that is, it is strongly resisted to eliminate it.
       Or because of the mistakes of their own cognition, not only the methods of resisting the elimination of them are wrong, but also the feelings of anxiety for it, and the fact that the behavior of removing the mistakes is actually only resisting with anxiety. Eliminate the over-anxiety of this trivial matter, that is, use your own mind to confront your own mind (this is by no means that psychological conflicts arise after you have concrete actions to eliminate excessive anxiety, and psychological conflicts arise when you think you have a way to eliminate them. When you are over-anxious, you are determined to eliminate excessive anxiety.)
       This will not only double the anxiety, but also pay more attention to the lock on this little thing that creates too much anxiety. This kind of anxiety is constantly generated, and I continue to use anxiety to resist the elimination of anxiety to form a vicious circle, that is, to be bound. This is like a wave on the calm water. The way people calm down the waves is to use a wave to calm the waves. The result is that the waves on the water are much larger.
       In all the things that release the pain, some things are bound by the restraint that it is normal to have such a large anxiety. Some things are bound by the restraint that it is abnormal to have such a large anxiety, but there is no way to eliminate it. These things will not happen. Forming a psychological conflict, only the restrained person thinks that such a large anxiety is abnormal. If there is a way to eliminate it, a psychological conflict will be formed. The most serious thing about the psychological conflict is that the restrained person thinks that such a large anxiety is the most If you are not normal, you have the best way to eliminate it.
       Once the bondager is bound by something, because the bond has been released by this matter, or most of the pain has been released, it will form a bondager who is only anxious about this matter or thinks that this One thing is anxiety-based symptoms that are supplemented by anxiety in other things.
       Isn't the psychotherapy of modern medicine the best way to relieve the bondage? the answer is negative. Indeed, those who are bound by painful misunderstandings truly understand the true principles of the bitterness that I have discovered above, and will definitely lift the bondage. This is true cognitive therapy. All other psychotherapy can only alleviate the bondage.
       Although the truth I have found above can help many people to overcome the bondage, there are still many people who cannot fully understand the above truth. This is because people who are bound by pain and trouble are hard to concentrate on everything else, and their ability to analyze and judge, the ability to understand acceptance will decline, that is, the intelligence will decline, and the truth is difficult to understand and accept.
       This requires solving these painful events that they have been escaping. But on the one hand, things that are not solved when they are not bound are more difficult to solve after they are bound. On the other hand, these things are often caused by social factors. For example, in China under the dictatorship of the Chinese Communist Party, official corruption, the entire society is morally devastated, and the suffering of the people is inevitable. The pain caused by these social factors is difficult for modern medicine and bound individuals to solve.
       Is it the best way for Zen and Falun Gong to relieve the bondage? Falun Gong, like Zen, can relieve the bondage in two ways. The first aspect is meditation, that is, sitting on the ribs, bones, and blood vessels of the legs and the legs, so that the legs and feet will cause pain and numbness because of the impassability of the blood, and the pain caused by the big things will be transferred to themselves. The body pain is released, that is, through the pain caused by the pain of the legs and feet, causing little anxiety and pain in the spirit.
       Both Zen and Falun Gong will require no distractions when meditating. Because the nerves of the legs and feet are connected to the brain, the more the heart is without distracting, the more fully the pain of the legs and feet can be felt. The more the pain caused by the big things can be completely released through the pain caused by the legs and feet, avoiding the transfer to other aspects. Because the meditation person thinks that meditation is good for his physical and mental health, it is normal to have such a large anxiety because of the pain in the legs and feet during meditation. Therefore, if you do not confront it, there will be no psychological conflict, so you can relieve the bondage. However, as the meditation ends, the qi and blood circulation of the legs and feet disappears, and the pain caused by the major events will shift to other aspects. So this is a way to shift mental pain to physical pain to achieve temporary relief.
       The second aspect is the deification of Zen and Falun Gong and its founders, using the principles of religion to relieve the bondage. However, because all the workers do not know the principle of the bondage, they cannot know the nature and principle of religion. Therefore, not only the use of the principle of religion is not good, but also the thought and the religious thought of the early gods. It is equally unreasonable (for example, Li Hongzhi beats the Falun in the lower abdomen of Falun Gong practitioners), so it cannot be accepted by the general public today.
       Morita Masahiro’s hospitalization therapy is the same as Zen, and the theory and natural distracting theory of Morita Masaru’s hospitalization therapy are wrong, but as long as the bondage thinks his theory is correct. It can also alleviate the fear, anxiety and confrontation of excessive anxiety, so it can alleviate and alleviate the bondage.
       Similarly, Freud's psychoanalytic therapy, although mistakenly thought to be an early experience, has caused morbid psychological symptoms in the past, but as long as the restrained person believes that his theory is correct, it can alleviate the occurrence of excessive anxiety. Worry, anxiety and confrontation, thus alleviating psychological conflicts.
       As far as I know, these two are the greatest and most famous psychologists in the world. Just because they don't know the true principle of the bondage, they can't know the nature and principle of religion. The principle of the bondage is the principle that religion eliminates mental pain. The two are exactly the same, just one positive and one opposite. ), so they openly opposed the belief in religion.
       Is there no better way to get rid of the bondage? Of course, this is religion. But religion is required to break the vicious circle with the simplest, most understandable, most reasonable, and most acceptable ideas. The simplest and most understandable idea is that God is omnipotent. Why is God omnipotent? The most reasonable and most acceptable idea is that God is the creator and sole lord of all things in the universe, including human beings.
       When people give up their own strength to resist, eliminate pain, and return to God, that is, wholeheartedly believe, and return to dependency. To deal with the problem of excessive anxiety that occurs, we must first rely on God's life to completely obey God's destiny. In addition, you must know that your excessive anxiety is God's arrangement. God is good for yourself. Otherwise, you will mentally collapse and get mentally ill. It is not an abnormal thing. Don't use your own way to resist and eliminate it. At this time, the vicious circle is immediately broken, and people will immediately feel the ease of the mind, and the bright eyes will be freed from the bondage of pain.
       After returning to the sacredness or doctrine of a certain religion, whether or not this physical and mental feeling is the only criterion for testing whether the religion is separated from the religious backbone, as a religion, only the most effective help to eliminate mental suffering can make more people To truly believe in this religion, we can unite more people and promote social progress. This is the essence and principle of religion.
       Buddhism regards the Buddha, the Fa, and the Sangha as the object of the followers, but the Buddha, the Fado, the Mondo, the true Buddha and the False Buddha are mixed together, the Fa-rectification and the Fiction are mixed together, and the good and the bad are mixed together. It is difficult for people to return. Have a feeling of body and mind. But this is not the biggest mistake of Buddhism. Buddhism regards compassion, equality and wisdom as the teachings of Buddhism. It can be seen that the essence of Buddhism is centered on people rather than God. This is the biggest and most deadly mistake in Buddhism.
       So what should true Buddhism be like? The true Buddhism should be that the Buddha is the creator and the sole lord of all things in the universe, including human beings. It is the only omnipotent true God. When Sakyamuni was bound by painful troubles 2,500 years ago, all the methods of "outside the road" could not be freed from bondage, and it was useless for six years of asceticism. One day he came to the Lilaian River, sat under the Bodhi tree, and vowed not to overcome the pain and troubles.
       However, the more he tried to eliminate the pain, the more serious he was bound by the painful troubles. He struggled with pain and trouble for 7 days and 7 nights. When he had reached the edge of death, he completely gave up his own power to eliminate the pain and return. The creator of all things in the universe, the only true God of omnipotence. At this time, he immediately felt relaxed and bright eyes. The Buddha not only helped him to eliminate the pain, but also made him understand the truth of the universe.
       I am the one who is most severely bound by painful troubles. Modern medicine shackles the mild painful troubles as "neurasthenia" and binds the severely painful troubles like me to "obsessive-compulsive disorder". I have had neurosis for 40 years, including "neurasthenia" for 12 years, "obsessive-compulsive disorder" for 28 years, and suffering. The above discussion is based on my personal experience and personal experience.
       In the future, I will correct the mistakes of Buddhism, create the world's greatest religion, true Buddhism, and write correct, complete, and easy-to-understand Buddhist teachings and Buddhist scriptures as soon as possible, helping more people to eliminate mental suffering and uniting the people. To overthrow the CCP's dictatorship, establish a new China with democracy and freedom, and work hard to build the earth into heaven on earth!
                                                                Wang Dalin (email address: mmabchab@gmail.com)
                                                                      On September 22, 2013, when applying for political asylum in Singapore, he also wrote "World Datong - Call for the Founding of the Party" and "Application for Political Asylum".
       Attachment: The content of the fifth increase and the content of the second revision on January 26, 2016 are displayed in red and purple characters. The content of the fourth increase and the content of the simultaneous revision on November 17, 2015 are shown in red, 2015 The third increase on July 8th was shown in blue. The second increase on June 18, 2015 was shown in purple. The first increase on September 20, 2014 was shown in orange.
       The above article is translated by the network software. The following is the original text.

       这样不但焦虑会加倍,而且对这件产生过大焦虑的小事会更加关注锁定。这样焦虑不断产生,自己又不断用焦虑来抵抗消除焦虑形成恶性循环,即被束缚。 这就好似平静的水面上起了一道波浪,人们平息波浪的方式是又用一道波浪来平息这道波浪,结果是水面上的波浪更多更大。
       当人放弃了用自己的力量抵抗、消除痛苦,归依神,即全心信奉,归顺依附。具体对待出现的过强焦虑问题,首先要把自己的生命完全依托给神,绝对服从神对自己命运的安排。另外一定要知道自己出现的过强焦虑就是神的安排,神是为了自己好,不然自己会精神崩溃得精神病它并不是不正常的事,再不要用自己的方式去抵抗、消除它。  这时恶性循环立刻被打破,人会立刻感到头脑轻松、眼睛明亮从痛苦的束缚中解放出来。
       我就是被痛苦烦恼束缚最严重的人,现代医学把轻度的被痛苦烦恼束缚叫“神经衰弱”,把像我这样严重的被痛苦烦恼束缚叫“强迫症”。而我得神经症40年,其中得“神经衰弱”12年,得“强迫症”28年,受尽苦难 以上论述就是依据我的亲身经历和切身感受。
                                                                汪达林(电子信箱:mmabchab@gmail.com )

