
联合国难民署泰国办事处在谋杀难民(三)——最后的疯狂 The UNHCR Thailand office is murdering refugees (3) - the last madness

      The following article uses the network software to translate the above is the original text.

The UNHCR Thailand office is murdering refugees (3) - the last madness
       At 8 am on May 14th, 2018, Thailand time, I used my mobile phone in Thailand to open my own voice message. I will dial 0091-202-205-9942 (international long-distance calls in Thailand, before the country code, the phone will add 9, the phone will add 8), after listening to the music, then dial 16, I heard the male voice Say: "Welcome your message, please let us know your last name and address. If you like, please leave an email address or phone number. Ok, please leave a message after the signal." After reading the signal, I read: "Calling a call to the Voice of America...".
       But until now, I have not seen the Voice of America published two articles in the "UNHCR Thailand Office murdering refugees" that I wrote, and I have not received a reply from the Voice of America. I think it is definitely the UNHCR Thailand office that bought the Thai telecommunications company and created a false barrier and scam that opened the voice of the Voice of America.
       I estimate that there are at least 40 people in the UNHCR Thailand office every day who are murdering me in the name of monitoring and reviewing me.
                                                                Wang Darin (Refugee Number: 815-13C01255)
                                                                    Written in Bangkok, Thailand on May 25, 2018

