
汪达林:世界大同——建党号召书 Wang Dalin: World Datong - Building a Party Call

      我认为要推翻中共独裁统治,不仅要通过不同的途径把全中国人民都号召团结起来,最终还需要号召人民通过直接公开的形式进行斗争另外真理也必须经常反复的宣传。爱国文化衫运动就是以每年6月为爱国文化衫运动月, 以北京天安门广场为运动中心的一项爱国运动。详情见我《发起爱国文化衫运动——倡议书》。
                                                                    汪达林(电子信箱:mmabchab@gmail.com )
       The following article uses the network software to translate the above is the original text.

Wang Dalin: World Datong - Building a Party Call
         Everything in heaven and earth is a unified whole, following the laws of common law, the natural world, and the human society. Everything, every country, every nation must learn to apply, and every nation, every nation must learn to apply. Everything, every country, every nation should be opposed. In this way, human beings can unify their thoughts, understand each other, learn from each other, help each other, avoid internal friction and develop rapidly. This is my big brother thought.
      However, in reality, the CCP, in the personal interests of its own minority, is under the banner of communism, and it is indeed the feudal dictatorship. The dictator Jiang Zemin actually controls the power of the state. He does control the walking dogs of Hu Jintao, Wen Jiabao, Xi Jinping, and Li Keqiang to perform tricks on the front desk. The feudal dictatorship is responsible for the country and the country. It provides ballistic missile technology and nuclear weapons technology to North Korea. A country like the CCP that opposes democracy and anti-human civilization makes it difficult for the entire human race to advance in internal struggle.
         To eliminate this evil force, I think the best way is to unite the entire Chinese people, to overthrow the CCP’s dictatorship and establish a new democracy of democracy and freedom, and not to use force against China, otherwise humanity will face greater disaster. . To this end, I am determined to create the three organizations of the China Democracy Party, the World Buddhist Federation and the Patriotic T-shirt Movement Committee, and unite the people of the whole country through different channels.
        I think that the glorious and great name of the China Democracy Party belongs to the entire Chinese people. No individual or group can take him for himself. To start a competition, whoever wins democracy and freedom for the Chinese people, whoever has the support of the entire Chinese people, who ultimately has this glorious great name, especially in the current CCP’s strong, the China Democracy Party is in the development stage, and the competition can not only be carried out Give full play to the wisdom and strength of more people, compete for the greatest leaders, and at the same time effectively respond to the misappropriation of China Democracy Party leaders and other activities that undermine the development of the China Democracy Party.
        The China Democracy Party I created is a political party of the Chinese people that aims to overthrow the CCP’s dictatorship and establish a democratic and free new China with the guidance of the thinking of the world’s Datong. He will promote the truth to awaken the people and organize and lead the people to carry out a democratic revolution. It is a guarantee for China to achieve democracy and freedom.
       Religion has always been the most important force in promoting the progress and development of human society. Buddhism is not only born in Asia, but the image of Buddhist culture Buddha is the easiest to understand and accept by Asian people. However, Buddhism regards Buddhism, Law, and Sangha as the object of believers, and regards compassion, equality, and wisdom as the teachings of Buddhism. It can be seen that Buddhism has not only seriously deviated from the religious backbone, but all Buddhist workers simply do not know what the essence of religion is. What is the principle?
       What is the principle of the bondage? How to treat? What is the essence of religion? What is true Buddhism? These are the most important issues in human society, and they are the core issue that is the key to uniting the people and promoting social progress. To this end, I specially wrote an article entitled "Opening a new era - what is true Buddhism" is attached to it. I think this article is the greatest and best article in the world. Please watch it.
      I believe that to overthrow the dictatorship of the Chinese Communist Party, we must not only unite the people of the whole country through different channels, but also ultimately call on the people to fight through direct publicity. In addition, the truth must be repeatedly and repeatedly publicized. The patriotic cultural shirt movement is a patriotic movement with the patriotic cultural shirt movement month in June and the Beijing Tiananmen Square as the sports center. For details, see my "Initiation of the Patriotic T-shirt Campaign - Proposal".
      I have always believed that when the soldiers are not only hard to train, but also encounter wars, floods, earthquakes and other disasters, the soldiers must stand up and shed blood. The majority of the soldiers are not only the children of the common people, but also the political consciousness is higher than the ordinary people. As long as the masses are mobilized, it means that the soldiers have been mobilized. The patriotic cultural shirt movement will inevitably arouse the people and bring together all the forces of justice, and become a historical trend that no one can block any forces, destroying all the old systems!
       I designed the party flag, the party emblem, the flag, and the emblem (attached to the back) for the Chinese Democratic Party, which I want to establish. I named the four-character emblem emblem as the sun, the golden-silver sun on the blue sky. It symbolizes the breaking of the darkness and the sunshine of the world. The word Wanzi has been used as a symbol of Buddhism for more than 2,000 years. In recent decades, Hitler’s use of the symbol of Buddhism to do bad things is bound to end in the end of self-immolation.
        The four-shaped sun has incomparable powerful mysterious power, plus the three magic weapons of the "Democratic Party", "World Federation of Fossils" and "Love Committee" and my wisdom. I think that I can bring the entire Chinese people in the shortest possible time. They all called for the defeat of the CCP to make the motherland realize democracy and freedom!
        Everything is difficult at the beginning. I hope that the people of the world, especially the Chinese people, will support and participate in the three organizations that I am about to create. We will work together to overthrow the dictatorship of the Chinese Communist Party, eliminate all evil forces against humanity, and let humanity enter a Unifying thoughts, understanding each other, learning from each other, helping each other, there is no new era of internal friction and rapid development!
                                                                    Wang Dalin (email address: mmabchab@gmail.com)
                                                         Written in Singapore on September 26, 2013, he also wrote "Opening the Age of Innovation - What Is Real Buddhism" and "Application for Political Asylum".

